Fat to Fab: Does Cellulite Go Away When You Lose Weight?
Cellulite has been the bane of many women's existence for years. It’s a dimpling of the skin that appears on the buttocks, thighs, stomach and arms.
Until you develop cellulite, you may have seen it as something others struggle with, but the moment you see it on your body, you want it gone.
With so much conflicting information out there, many women find themselves asking the same question: Does cellulite actually go away when you lose weight?
Read on to find out the truth about this common beauty question.
What Exactly is Cellulite?
Firstly, it’s essential to understand what cellulite is. Cellulite is the result of fibrous connective tissue bands that pull on the skin, causing it to dimple or have an orange peel texture.
Cellulite is an often misunderstood skin condition that affects most people, regardless of body type.
It presents itself as lumpy or dimpled skin on the thighs, buttock, abdomen and upper arms.
Generally caused by excess fat deposits within fibrous connective fibers underneath the surface of the skin itself, it can affect both men and women but is more prevalent in females due to their increased proportion of fat cells around those areas.
Cellulite has a wide range of causes ranging from genetics to lifestyle choices like diet and exercise.
Treatments for this condition focus on decreasing inflammation and improving circulation through massage therapy, cupping therapy, dry brushing techniques and creams specially formulated with natural ingredients such as caffeine which break down fatty deposits beneath the skin.
In severe cases laser treatments may be necessary to effectively combat cellulite's unflattering appearance.

Does Lowering Body Fat Percentage Reduce Cellulite?
Lowering your body fat percentage can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. But there's a bit more to it than just dropping some pounds.
It all depends on the type and location of cellulite you have, as well as what other lifestyle factors may be contributing to its visibility.
The Two Types of Cellulite
To start with, there are two main types of cellulite: superficial and deep.
Superficial cellulite is usually located close to the surface of the skin, while deep cellulite forms beneath the surface.
So if you’re struggling with visible cellulite that have been around for a while, chances are good that you’ve got more than one type at play here.

Lowering Your Body Fat Percentage
Lowering your body fat does work for reducing both forms of cellulite but this alone won't eliminate them completely (especially not in deeper cases).
That said, weight loss still helps reduce their overall appearance over time by slimming down fatty tissue that is often responsible for "trapping" these pockets which can make them look more obvious or pronounced.
However keep in mind that this needs to be done consistently over time in order to see any real results since changes such as these take quite some time before they become noticeable when looking at your skin.
The Importance of Building New Collagen
What's more important than simply getting thinner? Building up collagen production through consistent exercise and targeted skincare routines.
Collagen helps strengthen our subcutaneous connective tissue (AKA the layer directly underneath our actual layers of skin) making sure they don't break apart too easily - something key when trying to fight off those lumps from below.
This coupled with regular foam roller or massage sessions targeting areas prone towards formation can efficiently tighten up cells pressed tightly together preventing further accumulation.
Strength Training & Toning
Losing weight and building collagen coupled with improving your body's tone and texture by building muscle and tightening the skin, may significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite.
One way to do this is through strength training, including high-intensity training, which helps to tone the muscles while reducing fatty deposits.
This helps smooth out the skin and make it appear plumper and smoother.

Diet & Nutrition
Another crucial element to fighting cellulite is diet. A balanced diet that’s low in fat, salt and sugar, rich in vegetables and fruits creates a layer of fat that's less visible, which means that cellulite would become less noticeable over time.
Fiber is also an ally, as it helps to cleanse the body and prevent constipation, which may also contribute to the appearance of cellulite.
Hydration is yet another essential component of healthy skin, as well as reducing cellulite appearance.
Drinking enough water each day will help flush toxins out of the system, which helps keep the body in top condition, from the inside out.
Additionally, drinking adequate amounts of water will help to hydrate the body, resulting in plumper, healthier-looking skin.
Medical Treatments
Lastly, there are a few cellulite treatments available if you're looking for more drastic measures.
Medical procedures like laser, radio frequency, or ultrasound can be used as cellulite treatment on the surface of the skin to break down fat cells and stimulate collagen production.
While these options may give you temporary relief, they won't entirely cure cellulite. And they come with risks that need to be weighed carefully.
Dr Andrew Cohen, a board certified plastic surgeon, give some real talk about these procedure options in this TikTok video:
@andrewcohenmd How to get RID of CELLULITE Cellulite is REALLY hard to fix. Losing weight and a little bit of liposuction can help, but it depends on the tone of your skin because there’s fibrous septae around the fat. Some machines say they work, BUT you have to keep doing them. I've had patients say that their cellulite had gotten worse after liposuction just because the skin tone wasn't that great. There are not a lot of great options for cellulite. It's a tough one to fix but definitely talk to a board-certified surgeon or dermatologist about that. #howtogetridofcellulite #celluliteaftersurgery #whatiscellulite #cellulitesurgery #stretchmarksaftersurgery #cellulitefreesurgery
♬ fergalicious - 🍪
If you Can't Tone it, Tan it!
If you want to temporarily disguise existing cellulite, one of the best methods is to use self-tanning lotions.
Not only do these products make skin look darker and more even toned, but they also add a bit of smoothness that can help camouflage the appearance of any dimpling.
Make sure you exfoliate your entire body before applying self-tanner for an even application and then apply it in circular motions with gentle pressure to help diminish any further visibility of cellulite.
This massaging action is also good for the cellulite underneath your skin!

Losing Weight Helps, But There's No Guarantee!
So, to answer the initial question, does cellulite go away when you get down to a healthy weight? The response is not so straightforward.
Although losing weight may help with cellulite reduction, it's not a guaranteed solution.
A healthy diet, strength training, and proper hydration will help you remove cellulite and enjoy healthier more radiant skin.
Whatever you decide, invest in a healthy lifestyle that helps you feel comfortable in your own skin, regardless of the cellulite, and remember that being comfortable and confident is the ultimate goal.